
Americans Need Indian Genius

Why Indian Genius? Any people who dare to question beliefs are precious, regardless of where they’re from because flawed or false beliefs cause immeasurable useless misery. In every culture there exists its highest contribution to humanity and social diseases in the form of poisonous beliefs. It is a rare person who can apply an antidote to […]


Pleasure is NOT the problem

Lets talk of pleasure. “Kabir dances, sings and knows the joys of life and love. Why is he so terse with people, so critical? He is not condemning the pleasures of life, but our beliefs about them and what we think satiety would do for us.

sex relationships

Freedom to love

People wrongly confuse one who defends any lover’s freedom to love or even to leave, with NOT caring about that lover.   Valuing someone beyond being a means to our own ends is immense respect for another, it recognizes their life is precious as an end unto itself.


Respect life in the sexes

Let’s respect life. “In some countries, morality took a forward step, both men and woman became mutually a means; the usury became more symmetrical. Each person owned a share in the other person. It was quid pro quo; a transaction just like we have with a vendor in a roadside market. However, the consideration is […]


The Relevance of Kabir, Video Interview with author Todd Vickers

Sounds Within and Pasadena Media Presents L.V. Smith asks Todd Vickers questions about his latest book The Relevance of Kabir. Topics include meditation, breaking habits, and our powers of conception.


Moral Policing Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy “Many teachings advocate repressing desire in pursuit of ideals. Then, believers seek obscure loopholes in their beliefs in order to indulge in forbidden fruits [hypocrisy.] Women accused of immorality in orthodox cultures are shamed, beaten, groped, raped and, even, killed by fanatics [hypocrisy] pointing at religious justifications. Such gross rationalizations for anger and lust […]


Spirituality without superstition

Spirituality: To go to the depths of love, we will need our integrity. If we want to protect our clarity,  our most delicate sensitivities and creativity, we need our intuition, perception and reason seeking out mistaken beliefs and flawed perceptions. The upgrade that spirituality needs is more like a purge. If we cannot correct errors then our spirituality […]


Understanding Conservatives

Understanding Conservatives “Let us not console ourselves by imagining that the worst of beliefs abides in the past. Even if we omit current religious conflict as political, the fate of women under the auspices of custom is one inescapable measure of social coercion and violence. Even today, extremists throw acid in the faces of girls […]


Our freedom

Let’s do new things, discover new joys and make new mistakes. “An ass may pull a cart in pursuit of a desired carrot that a master dangles in front of its face. The master can yield the carrot to the beast when the work is over. I hope we agree that this enslaved animal choosing […]


Fictional beliefs about ourselves

We fear letting go of superstitions and biased beliefs that pretend to explain the world and ourselves. Many who imagined a limit on what females could accomplish have been as wrong as those individuals who said that humans would never fly. For centuries, women appeared inferior, not just to men, but to women as well. People viewed (many still do) women through the distorting lens […]