
Spirituality without superstition

Spirituality: To go to the depths of love, we will need our integrity. If we want to protect our clarity,  our most delicate sensitivities and creativity, we need our intuition, perception and reason seeking out mistaken beliefs and flawed perceptions. The upgrade that spirituality needs is more like a purge. If we cannot correct errors then our spirituality […]

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Sacred facts

When we begin to see the harm of unfounded beliefs and start questioning them, we start to see the world differently. It’s more than being in the unknown, it’s an adventure!


Evolving sexual beliefs

“We  live  in  a  vastness  much  broader  than  our  imagined  limits and this includes our sexual beliefs.  When  we  let  go  of  our  ideas  of ‘self’,  we  are  not  bound  to  the  limits  of  such  an  arbitrary  ‘self’.  That  same  ‘self’  would  have  an entirely  different  set  of  beliefs  about intimate relationships if  we  grew […]


Fear is not a master

When our dream is love, we feel passions like sexual desire. When our dreams become nightmares, the fear engulfs us. We may forget the same mind that dreams at night is active while awake in a different way. While awake, our consciousness includes the sensations of the world and the affective power of our mind […]


How to be more conscious?

Our desires can make us more conscious or less. The less conscious we are, the more we rely on preconceived ideas, habits and unfounded beliefs.