book tour

Lamakaan discussion on spiritual experience

12644736_212424339103824_7409996788416130551_nSpiritual experience in the light of Kabir

The talk by author Todd Vickers involved some of Kabir’s most skeptical poems and his rejection of rites and ceremonies.

1Gorakh was yoga’s connoisseur.

They didn’t cremate

his body.

Still his meat rotted and mixed

with dust. For nothing

he polished his body. 

We discussed the mistake of creating an identity around race, caste, nation and spiritual ideology and the similarity between these things. We touched on mistaking thoughts as facts when thoughts only interpret and reflect facts. How identification of ourselves creates both human misery and imposes capricious limits on us. And how meditation dissolves these habits of mind and frees us from these limits.  We have video of the talk that will soon be on The Vivriti You Tube Channel.

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The Vivriti Foundation sponsored this talk and it was hosted by Lamakaan on the day of its anniversary.

A special thanks to Subba for making it happen.