
Do you want intimate relationship? Try the truth

Many of us want deep intimate relationship with others. We long for shared connections and affections involving our whole body, senses and mind because intimacy is part of a good life. Why does such communion seem so elusive? The question invokes ideals built mostly on social influences and our past. To be unaware of how […]


Understanding Pain Nurturing Love

Understanding pain is vital if we wish to bring relief to useless suffering. To reduce useless pain is nurturing to love.  But what does that actually mean?     We should understand two sources of suffering.

book tour excerpt

Love renounces all limits

“Who do you know who does not place a boundary around his love? We are afraid others will use us and that our desire for love makes us foolish. In deference to this fear, we try to be smart and use others in the name of love for our own ends. We become what we […]


Evolving sexual beliefs

“We  live  in  a  vastness  much  broader  than  our  imagined  limits and this includes our sexual beliefs.  When  we  let  go  of  our  ideas  of ‘self’,  we  are  not  bound  to  the  limits  of  such  an  arbitrary  ‘self’.  That  same  ‘self’  would  have  an entirely  different  set  of  beliefs  about intimate relationships if  we  grew […]